Board Of Directors

Position: Chief Efficiency Officer - I roam the office herding everyone back to their workstations. Under my watch there are no coffee or lunch breaks
Favorite Toy: Rubber frisbee
Favorite Pastimes: Swimming, rolling around in the snow or playing fetch without giving back the ball. I also love playing lifeguard when kids are in the water
Position: Chief Marketing Officer - I am in charge of all photography, video shoots and modeling efforts
Favorite Toy: Stuffed bunny - my comfort toy since I was a puppy
Favorite Pastimes: Playing fetch or demanding to be pet with both hands by anyone that visits

Position: Chief Security Officer - I am in charge of protecting our workshop. I have identified the mailman as the biggest threat
Favorite Toy: A stick or chewing firewood while sitting next to a fire
Favorite Pastimes: Napping and I must be covered with a blanket at all times. Even if my paw is sticking out, I will whine until it is covered
Position: Chief Human Resources Officer - I make sure everyone at the office is in good spirits and getting along
Favorite Toy: Balls from a supermarket ball bin
Favorite Pastimes: Eating and sitting on the front porch to people/dog watch

Position: Chief Catering Officer - I make sure the office is stocked with plenty of food at all times and all employees are well fed
Favorite Toy: A bean bag
Favorite Pastimes: Eating. My nickname at the barn is "Reina the Hungry Hippo". If I have fresh hay or grass to munch on, a bomb could go off and I wouldn't even notice. I also enjoy trail riding for the same reason... endless supply of food to eat the entire ride